cLear, FocuSeD ImaGeS
DarkChip3™ technology from Texas Instruments produces
a stunning 4000:1 contrast ratio for pin sharp, crystal clear
images - helping you keep an eye on the ball. Crisper whites and
ultra rich blacks bring the image to life.
amaZInG coLourS
The DS316L incorporates BrilliantColor™ technology to produce
stunningly bright images with perfectly balanced life-like
colours. Preset display modes allow you to achieve a perfect
image every time.
coLour anD ImaGer Guarantee
Bright colours and fantastic image quality are guaranteed for
an amazing 5 years after purchase - giving piece of mind that
the technology inside the Optoma DS316L projector won’t fade
or degrade.
VIrtuaLLy maIntenance Free
The DS316L provides lower cost of ownership, longer life and improved
reliability. The filter-free projector design does not require regular filter
cleaning or filter replacement, saving you time and money.
enVIronmentaLLy FrIenDLy
The DS316L incorporates energy saving features to conserve power
and extend the lamp life:
To achieve the maximum 4000hrs** lamp life time the
projector should be operating in STD mode and the shut
down timer should be enabled to automatically switch off
the projector if it is accidentally left on when no longer
required. Enabling the <1W Standby mode will ensure the
minimum energy consumption when the projector is not
being used.
It takes less than 10 seconds for the projector to power
up and shutdown, saving both time and energy.
6 preset display modes including Movie mode
4:3 and 16:9 widescreen
Compatible with SCART signal
Ceiling mount the projector or project from a table
Easy to use remote with direct source function