17 / 28
rev. 2.0
Device Details
Optocore Fibre Optic Connection
The device is equipped with the Optocore FX communication module. The OPTOCORE ® OPTICAL DIGITAL
NETWORK SYSTEM utilizes Time Division Multiplex technology (TDM) with a Fibre Channel based 8B10B-NRZI-
coding. Static time slots guarantee a synchronous transmission of all channels, at all times, without the use of
dynamic bandwidth or latency. All signals connected to the intercom, audio, video, word clock and auxiliary ports
of the device are transmitted simultaneously on one fibre while the second fibre of the LINK-Interface receives
data from the network. The second LINK-Interface pair is identical to the first one, and can optionally be used for
network redundancy.
A/D and D/A Converter
24-bit converters supporting sample rates of 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192 kHz ensure the high-quality conversion
of analogue audio signals. Sample rates above 96 kHz are available upon request.
Analog Inputs
The microphone inputs include preamps with selectable gain between -4 dB to 66 dB in analogue 1 dB steps
Phantom Power (+48V) can be activated individually on each input. The maximum input level is +22 dBu. It is
possible to use microphone inputs for line level sources.
The line inputs gain controls can be individually adjusted in four steps of maximum input level 27 dBu, 22 dBu,
18 dBu and 8 dBu.
Analog Outputs
The outputs gain controls can be individually adjusted in four steps of maximum output level 22 dBu, 18 dBu,
12 dBu and 8 dBu.
SANE Ports
The device is equipped with two RJ45 200MBit SANE Ports, capable of transmitting 64 channels of synchronous
audio and 100MBit Ethernet. SANE 2 port is compatible with MADI over Cat protocol.
The auxiliary ports provide four RS485 ports to establish a maximum of four half-duplex or two full-duplex
connections between devices. A wide range of bi-directional and unidirectional standards can be connected to the
ports, such as RS485, CAN-Bus (bi-directional, requires special firmware version), or RS422, DMX and MIDI
(unidirectional). The ports automatically sense whether they are sending or receiving control data.
The ports and their destinations are configured in the OPTOCORE CONTROL software..
Word Clock
Devices with Optocore/SANE modules are equipped with an internal, high quality, low jitter clock generator as
well as Word Clock inputs and outputs. Any device on the network can act as the master of the network and pass
Word Clock to networked Optocore/SANE devices.
The internal/networked Word Clock is available at the Word Clock output connector of each device on the network
to synchronize non-networked devices.
In standalone network configurations external synchronization is not required.
The Word Clock input termination can be switched on using the OPTOCORE CONTROL software’s Local
Settings. External termination is not required to avoid cable reflections.
Word Clock master negotiation after any Word Clock source failure is done automatically.
Transmission Delay
The Optocore system delay including the matrix is fixed to 41,6 µs @ 48 kHz for all channels. The additional
transport delay per Optocore unit (<200 ns) in the network is insignificant in comparison. Overall system delay is
dependent on the converters used and the length of network cables in the system. Assuming ‘normal’ cable
lengths of <700 m per link, the additional delay is considered marginal.
The transmission delay is constant between any points in the network.