SIM card holder
3. Audio CODEC chip reset button
SIM card eject mechanism
4. Small USB connector
Figure 1: Pepijn Cradle bottom view
Step-by-step instructions:
(1) Insert the module skew into the cradle and (2) push the module down, so it makes proper contact in
the PCI Express connector. (3) Secure the module with the locking mechanism.
Remark: Fasten the screw of the locking mechanism when it becomes too loose by holding one finger on top of the screw and
turning the leg in counter clockwise direction.
Figure 2: Module and Cradle board
(4) Carefully insert your SIM card in the SIM card holder (with the contact side up), and (5) insert the
holder into the socket, making sure it is aligned correctly. To remove the SIM card holder, (6) press the
small eject button with the tip of a pen (you may need to apply gentle force).
The small and big USB connector both work for the same USB interface
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