CAUTION: This user’s manual may be revised or withdrawn at any time without prior notice.
User’s manual for Graphical demo application
Model: OPH1000
Version: XFA30920
Operating System (OS) version: XBAV0104 or higher
February 2007
Copyright 2007, Opticon Sensors Europe B.V.
All rights reserved.
Limited warranty and disclaimers
By opening the package of this product you agree to become bound by the liability and warranty
conditions as described below.
Under all circumstances this manual should be read attentively, before installing and or using the
product. In no event,
Opticon Sensors Europe will be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages
arising out of use or inability to use both the hardware and software, even if Opticon has been informed
about the possibility of such damages.
All Opticon products are warranted for a period of one year after purchase, covering defects in physical
media and physical documentation. The liability of Opticon is limited to replacement of defective media
or documentation.
Opticon will not be liable for modifications that are made by the customer. Opticon does not warrant that
the software is free of errors, or that it will meet any user’s particular standards, requirements, or needs.
Opticon will in no event be liable for any direct, indirect or incidental damages arising out of use of this
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