Making Domestic Calls
Use virtual keyboard to enter phone numbers
and then press Dial icon to call. If you need to
change the phone number, please press the
delete key on the touch screen to delete. When
the call is answered, the screen shall show the
connection status.
Making International Calls
If you need to make an international call,
do a long press on the 0 key on the virtual
keyboard until there appears the sign “+” for
international call prefix, which helps you call
from any country even if you don’t know the
international call prefix of that country.
You can make an international call according
to the following typing order: + > country code
> complete phone number > Dialing icon (type
in the prefix code, and then enter the country
code and complete phone number). Country
code usually follows conventional practice:
German is 49, Britain 44, Sweden 46 and so on.
When making international phone calls, the
“0” in the city code should be emitted.
O+ 8.31 ANDROID MANUAL.indd 24
2/28/13 11:02 PM