VS-GW1200-4G User Manual
OpenVox Communication Co.Ltd
Answer Seizure Ratio is a measure of network quality. Its calculated by
taking the number of successfully answered calls and dividing by the total
number of calls attempted. Since busy signals and other rejections by the
called number count as call failures, the ASR value can vary depending
on user behavior.
GSM Status
Show the status of port, include blank space and “READY”. Black space
means it is unavailable here and “Ready” means the port is available.
Remain Time
This value is multiplied by to step length is a rest call time.
Table 2-2-1 Description of Time Settings
System Time
Your gateway system time.
Time Zone
The world time zone. Please select the one which is the same or
the closest as your city.
Posix time zone strings.
NTP Server 1
Time server domain or hostname. For example, [time.asia.apple.com].
NTP Server 2
The first reserved NTP server. For example, [time.windows.com].
NTP Server 3
The second reserved NTP server. For example, [time.nist.gov].
Auto-Sync from NTP
Whether enable automatically synchronize from NTP server or not. ON is
enable, OFF is disable this function.
Sync from NTP
Sync time from NTP server.
Sync from Client
Sync time from local machine.
For example, you can configure like this: