If you want to creat other users, please click
3.8.1 Create SIP Users
When create a SIP user, you should fill in “extension”, “CallerID Name”, “DialPlan”
in “General” component and choose SIP in “Technology”. To get more information
about other parameters, please put your cursor on
label and configure them.
Create an IAX user is similar to SIP, and just remember to choose IAX instead of SIP.
The following figure shows an example of SIP extension 6010 settings.
3.8.2 Create Analog Users
Creating an analog user is similar with SIP user. Please fill in ”Extension”, “CallerID
Name”, “DialPlan” and “CallerID Number” in general item, and choose port 2 for
“Analog Station” in technology component. Also there are other optional settings for