D210P/DE210P on DAHDI User Manual
OpenVox Communication Co. LTD.
URL: www.openvox.cn
Among Libpri, DAHDI and Asterisk, let’s install Libpri firstly. Please
execute those commands under the directory of /usr/src/ in generally:
# cd libpri-XX
# make
# make install
Change to the directory of dahdi-linux-complete-XX (XX represents
DAHDI version), then perform commands one by one to install DAHDI.
# cd /usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-XX
# make
# make install
# make config
If there is something wrong after
please refer to
. In the url link, the moderator
introduces you a method how to patch. After patching,
save your changes and exit. Then run
again, if successfully done,
it is time for you to install Asterisk.
Please operate those commands to install Asterisk.