©Copyright by Opale-Paramodels 2012
Getting your Soaring kit ready to fly
First step: Set you radio transmitter
Get the pilot linked with the radio transmitter
You first need to identify the two cable connectors located inside the harness compartment. Then, please refer to your radio
transmitter user manual to find the appropriate information to connect them (and the battery) to the radio receiver.
To operate efficiently your wing, you need your radio transmitter to have a Delta mixer. In case you don’t own a programmable radio
transmitter, you need to get an extra Delta mixing module to get the job done.
Using the Delta mix allows you to operate your wing the exact same way as the full-size one which means:
Moving the stick to the left moves the left arm down and the right one up, so that the wing turns left.
Moving the stick to the right moves the left arm up and the right one down, so that the wing turns right.