©Copyright by Opale-‐Paramodels 2013 FR
Finally put the risers back onto the wing and fold it 3 times in the other direction. The folding obtained should be about a hand wide so that it
fits in its bag.
Dampness really is the worst enemy of your paraglider, thus accelerating your product ageing by altering the fabric, the lines and the
reinforcements. Your wing has to stay dry… So, don’t store your paraglider for some time still having sand, salt, mud or any other material
on it that may intrude and go mouldy into the cells. Always allow your paraglider to dry naturally before storing it in a dry place. Open the
bag as often as you can to help your wing breathe and release any dampness it might have accumulated.
Never carry or store your wing close to chemical products such as petrol, oils or any other solvent.
Never let your wing exposed to extreme heat such as your car boot on a sunny day.
Use only clear water without adding any abrasive agent or any detergent. Please only clean or rinse your wing if necessary (contact with
salt water…).
Tiny holes on the fabric can be repaired using some self-adhesive fabric. Damaged lines have to be replaced. You will need to inflate your
wing after every single repair to ensure it will react properly once it is up in the air.
Major repairs such as cell walls replacements have to be done by specialists.
Your wing is guaranteed against any manufacturing defect.
Should the user damage / cut a line or tear apart pieces of fabric, repairs and replacements pieces are not covered by the guarantee and
the repair cost will be charged to the user.