Operation Check - 2
Voltage protection
The unit receives the remote control signal, it goes into the test mode 1-02.
The speaker relay become OFF immediately after "D.C. 1.5V inputs" to CD SELECTOR to check L and R.
The same as above when "D.C. -1.5V" inputs at each place.
NOTE 1: Limit time to apply voltage is 0.5-1.0 seconds each channel.
When protection operation does not occur at once, try several times.
NOTE 2: Don't connect load nor short speaker terminals.
When you check this protection, you must use the test mode 1-02.
Current protection
The unit receives the remote control signal, it goes into the test mode 1-02.
The relay shall be ON when 2 ohm load is connected to each channel under the conditions of
peak-to-zero 20V output for L,R channels and no load by using the INTEGRA ampifier series
designated circuit with 50Hz square wave.
The relay shall be OFF when 0.5 ohm load is connected to each channel under the conditions of
peak-to-zero 20V output for L,R channels and no load by using the the INTEGRA ampifier series
designated circuit with 50Hz square wave.
When you check this protection, you must use the test mode 1-02.