Onicon D-1401 Installation And Operation Manual Download Page 12

D-1401 & D-1402 Portable Metering System Installation and Operation Guide • 03-17




Typical ONICON Installation Hardware Kits: 


Installation Hardware

 kit for black iron 

pipe is for use in a drained, non-
pressurized system. The access hole is 
drilled (1”  minimum) prior to installation 
of the 1”  NPT branch outlet, close nipple 
and full port ball valve. Once the 
isolation valve is installed, the piping 
system can be flushed and pressurized. 
The flow meter may now be inserted or 
removed by hand without having to drain 
the system. Please read all instructions 
before proceeding with meter insertion. 

Hot Tap Installation 


 kit for black iron pipe offers 

an alternative installation when it is not 
practical to drain or relieve the pressure 
in the system. In this case, a 1¼”  branch outlet, close nipple and 1¼”  full port ball valve are 
installed first. Then, a hot tap drilling apparatus can be used to drill a 1”  diameter hole through 
the valve, without shutting down or draining the pipe. 

(See Appendix A for List of Available Onicon Installation Hardware Kits for other types of pipe 
materials and applications.) 


After fitting the necessary plumbing hardware, flush the entire system so that it is free of flux, 
solder and slag. Prepare to install the flow meter by loosening the clamping nut and withdrawing 
the turbine assembly fully into the hot tap adapter. Next, thread the adapter on to the ball valve 
using a paste type thread sealant. Do not use Teflon tape because torn strands of the tape may 
wind around the turbine, slowing down or even stopping the turbine. 


Check the installation for leaks by slightly opening the ball valve.  An ‘ O’  ring in the hot tap 
adapter seals the meter stem against leakage. If there are any leaks around the clamping nut or 


CLAM PI NG NUT.  Damage to this nut or the clamping ring under the nut may prevent 
the assembly from properly holding the meter in the pipe.

 The clamping nut is not part of the 

sealing mechanism. Any leaks in this area indicate that the ‘ O’  ring is not sealing properly and 
you must contact the factory for assistance. 


Summary of Contents for D-1401

Page 1: ...Model D 1401 D 1402 PortableMeteringSystem Installation and Operation Guide 03 17 11451 Belcher Road South Largo FL 33773 Tel 1 727 447 6140 Fax 1 727 442 5699 www onicon com E mail sales onicon com ...

Page 2: ...ismanual Servicerequirements Thisproduct containsalimited number of user serviceableparts Only qualified personnel should install or servicethisproduct Pleasedo not hesitateto contact ONICON for assistancein theunlikely event that this product requiresservice IMPORTANT NOTE Messagesidentified as Important Note contain information critical to theproper operation of themeter CAUTION Messagesidentifi...

Page 3: ...0 SYSTEM OPERATION AND SET UP 6 2 1 System Operation 6 2 2 Initial System Set up 6 2 3 Basic Flow Measurement 7 2 4 Flow Profiling Measurement 7 2 5 System Storageand MaintenanceRecommendations 8 2 6 Flow Meter Information 9 3 0 INSTALLATION REMOVAL AND ADJUSTMENT 10 3 1 SiteSelection 10 3 2 Mechanical Installation 11 3 3 Insertion of theMeter 13 3 4 Removal of theMeter 14 CONDITIONSOF SALE 16 ...

Page 4: ...402 PortableMetering System includesaF 1200 dual turbineflow meter and can beused to measure2 5 inch and larger pipesizes Theflow meter portion of thesystem istypically inserted into afilled and pressurized pipeviaan existing oneinch minimum diameter full port ball valve For pipesthat can beeasily drained beforeand after measurement theflow meter can beinserted into aoneinch minimum diameter outle...

Page 5: ...display Carrying case Owner smanual Laminated conversion chart Serialized for thespecific F 1100 flow meter TheD 1402 PortableMetering System containsthefollowing components Model F 1200 Insertion TurbineFlow Meter Model D 1402 battery powered hand held display Carrying case Owner smanual Laminated conversion chart Serialized for thespecific F 1200 flow meter ...

Page 6: ...theselection switcheson theDisplay Module Thisfrequency output isthen converted to gallonsper minute for thepipesizebeing measured viathelaminated conversion chart included with thesystem Pleasecontact Onicon to obtain conversion factorsfor any pipesizesnot listed on thechart or if you requirea flow rate unit of measureother than gallonsor liters 2 2 INTIAL SYSTEM SET UP 1 Insert theflow meter int...

Page 7: ...asurementsat incremental insertion depths Depending on thepipesizeto bemeasured determinean appropriate measurement increment that will providetherequired information For example when measuring theflow profileof an 8 inch pipe measurements may bemadeat 1 inch incrementsto providethedesired profile With theflow meter properly inserted in thepipe loosen thehot tap adaptor lock nut and push themeter ...

Page 8: ...easethespeed of rotation of oneof theturbinesand will havetheoppositeeffect on theother turbine 2 5 SYSTEM STORAGE AND MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDATION 1 Alwaysstorethesystem in itscarrying casewhen not in use 2 Beforelong term storageof thesystem blow all excesswater from theflow meter turbineassembly and wipetheflow meter stem assembly dry with a clean cloth Donot put any lubricantson theturbineassemb...

Page 9: ...9 ONICON sD 1401 D 1402 Insertion TurbineFlow Meter measuresthe velocity of flowing liquidsby counting thefrequency at which thebladesof a rotating turbinepassafixed electrode Circuitry within theflow meter electronicsenclosurethen convertsthe rotational rateto afrequency output ...

Page 10: ...heating coolingand fluid meteringfieldsshould attempt toinstall adjust or remove theflow meter Refer totheinstallation drawingsbeforeperformingany work on thesemeters 3 1 SITE SELECTION Theclearancerequired for installation istypically 30 36 from thepipewall to thenearest obstruction abovethevalveassembly Thisclearancedimension will increasewith large diameter pipes Theenvironment should befreeof ...

Page 11: ... Hot Tap feature it must beinstalled through an isolation valve Thelocation must allow sufficient overhead clearancefor meter removal IMPORTANT A full 1 opening isrequired to clear theturbineassembly Makesurethat your valvesand fittingsarefull port and at least 1 in actual internal diameter Also notethat an oversized accessholecan causeundesirableturbulence ...

Page 12: ...evalve without shutting down or draining thepipe SeeAppendix A for List of AvailableOnicon Installation HardwareKitsfor other typesof pipe materialsand applications After fitting thenecessary plumbing hardware flush theentiresystem so that it isfreeof flux solder and slag Prepareto install theflow meter by loosening theclamping nut and withdrawing theturbineassembly fully into thehot tap adapter N...

Page 13: ...largeamountsof water Thehand effort required tohold the meter will be0 11 timesthepipepressure Begin by calculating theeffort that will berequired to hold themeter Establish adequatefooting for thistask taking extracaution when working from aladder or platform Usethefollowing formula E 0 11 x P Where E effort in pounds P system pressurein poundsper squareinch Example In a300 PSI system 33 poundsof...

Page 14: ...eter limited for any reason DO NOT loosen the clamping nut SLOWLY loosen theposition clamping nut and carefully and slowly allow thepressureto forcethemeter out of thepipe Thisisnot at all difficult but you must not let go of themeter until it isfully withdrawn into the hot tap adapter After themeter iscompletely withdrawn you may closetheisolation ball valve Themain causeof damageto meterscomesfr...

Page 15: ...402 Portable Metering System Installation and Operation Guide 03 17 15 CAUTION In hot water systems even a small amount of water can causeseriouspersonal injury Useextra caution when workingwith hot water meters ...

Page 16: ... of theproductsunder thiscontract will beadded to thepurchaseprice Buyer agreesto reimburseONICON for such tax or chargeor provideONICON with an acceptableexemption certificate Payment of invoiceswill bedue30 daysfrom thedateof shipment of theproductscontained therein In theevent that payment of an invoiceisnot received by theinvoiceduedate ONICON will assessalatefeenot to exceed 1 5 per month or ...
