Relax - you’ve bought an onga ...
Congratulations on your decision to purchase an onga
product. onga is one of the best known companies in its
field, with a proud local and international reputation.
In fact, wherever people need to move water from one point to
another - whether in industry, horticulture, agriculture or in and
around the home - onga is a byword for reliability, value for money
and technological innovation. So why does onga lead its field?
Here are a few simple reasons ...
1. Continual Product Improvement
onga employ the best engineers both in Australia and around the
world to develop new and better ways to pump and handle water.
2. Dedication to Quality
There is only one standard that we at onga set ourselves for both
product quality and the quality of our service. That standard is
excellence ... to have no-one better than us at what we do ... nothing
short of that is acceptable.
3. A Fair Price
onga pumps are neither the cheapest nor the most expensive in their
field. Our products do, on the other hand, always represent very
good value for money - they always have and they always will.
4. Our Team of Dealers
We believe onga’s hand picked authorised dealer network -
throughout Australia and worldwide - are second to none. We in
vest a huge sum training them and supporting them. They are your
link to us, and we value their expertise and trust.