Open camera and wait until the GPS icon on ONAGOfly
app turns orange before taking off.
Once the GPS icon on ONAGOfly app turns orange,
you're ready for taking off.
Hold the Lock button until the propellers spinning.
Hold your mobile device flat.
Press Auto-takeoff button until the aircraft automatically take off.
Push up/down the vertical movement bar to adjust Onagofly1's flying height.
Getting ready to takeoff your ONAGOfly1
The connecting frequency between the mobile device and the aircraft is 2.4GHz.
During the flight, please do not use other 2.4GHz communication devices
Turn on ONAGOfly1
Connect ONAGOfly1 to your mobile devices
Tilt mode control
Press the Auto-landing button.
Maintain control at all times during auto-landing.
You can always switch the Photo/Video mode by pressing the photo/video icon
on the ONAGOfly1 app before take-off.
You can always take video before take-off.
It's recommended not to switch the photo/video or take video during flight.
GPS follow
Enable GPS on your Mobile Device.
Turn on the aircraft, and wait until the GPS icon turns orange on App.
Take off and make the aircraft hold in position by 13ft-16ft (4-5 meters) steadily.
Turn off the tilt mode by releasing your finger on the tilt mode button.
Turn on the GPS follow by pressing the Follow icon until it turns orange.
Battery charging
Please use the charger provided officially by the ONAGOfly. Connect the battery
supply firstly before charging (Shown in Bottom view
Connect the charger to the AC power supply (100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, please use
the power changeover plug if needed).
Please ensure the aircraft is turned off and the plug in the battery bin is unplug
before charging.
The indicator lights are flashing in green indicates that the battery is charging.
● Figure (7)
Place your ONAGOfly1 on a flat surface,
and make sure
the orange propellers are always to the front side.
Press the on/off button. The on/off button is shown as the
(3). The aircraft beep and meanwhile the indicator
lights on (as shown in figure (10,11)) indicating that the
aircraft is turned on. When the back LEDs are red it means
the status of the aircraft is abnormal and you should not take off in that case.
● Figure
● Figure (4)
Connect your ONAGOfly1 to the mobile device by connecting the Wi-Fi.
Choose the Wi-Fi named “
and enter the default password "12345678".
The initial password and the wifi network name would be modified in the setting menu.
Virtual joystick control mode
You could use the virtual joystick to control the flight direction of ONAGOfly1 (when
the tilt mode is off).
Always keep your mobile device flat.
Pressing and always hold the tilt mode
button when you use tilt mode to pilot it.
Tilt your mobile device, and your aircraft
will move forward and backward.
Use the turning bar to rotate slide.
● Figure
● Figure (6)
Use the vertical movement bar to make ONAGOfly1 up and down.