BLE Mode
Keep Switch S4 on and never mind of the setting of S2, S3,
S4, the board turns into BLE mode. User can use general
mobile App to control LED’s color and intensity for
individual or all LEDs. For example, using “Light Blue” in
; “BLE Scanner” or
“nRF Connect” in Android
It shows a green “smile face” firstly, and then changes the
color and intensity according to the received five bytes data
through BLE. The first three bytes stand for R, G, B values
to mix the color, and the fourth data stands for intensity (4
level brightness For V1). The fifth byte stands for LED
number, if this value is greater than 0x0f, all LEDs response.
Here are several examples:
Examples: (R, G, B, I, LED_No)
(Four level of Intensity, Depends on Firmware)
800080FF00: LED0 in Purple
FF00003F01: LED1 in Red
XXXXXX0010: All LEDs turn off as the he intensity is 0
(Never mind RGB’s values)
00BFFFFF10: All LEDs in deep sky blue
Here is an example using “Light Blue” App to control
RGB lighting board:
1. Find and choose Peripheral of “NCV7685 RGB
2. Tap “Send RGB Setting” character
3. Set RGB and Intensity values
4. The board change color, intensity and LED_No
Figure 10. Using ‘Light Blue’ App to Control the Board