MatrixCam LAN Network Adapter Settings on Your PC
1. Connect the Ethernet cable to your PC −> Go to
Control panel −> Click on Network and Internet
−> Click on Network and Sharing Center −> Click
on Change adapter settings (on the left corner) −>
Click on Change your local LAN network −>
Change your adapter settings:
2. Push the power-on button (rear view, slot 8) −>
Three RED LEDs start glowing −> Wait 2 min −>
Wake up the camera from standby through PIR
(waving or moving hands) −> Wait 30 s for the
connection to establish −> Open up supported web
browser −> enter the IP address of MatrixCam:
3. The GUI log-in page will pop up, after logging in
username and password the video streaming
4. Change from “admin” password: press “Reset
Password” icon located at the top right corner
the page.
Username: admin
Password: admin
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