ON Semiconductor KAE0215X User Manual Download Page 3




KAE0215X plugin. The KAE

0447X and KAE


sensors will use the KAE0447X plugin.

Connect to Hardware

Select the “Connection” tab within the control GUI

Select Camera Link or USB

Click the Connect button

The yellow indicator will change to green indicating

that a connection has been established

Launch Scripts


The plugin requires you to run scripts to set up the
imaging hardware:

Go to the Setup tab

Select script set from the dropdown box:


0215X uncooled uses KAE_0XXXX


01093, Internally cooled KAE

0215X and all


0447X and KAE

0815X parts use


Hit initialize

You should see a progress bar pop up

When done the imager should be running

Next Steps

SensorStudio provides a number of controls to evaluate

the operation of the sensor including image capture,
processing, and characterization.

Additional information on these controls is included in the

SensorStudio help system, which is available from the
HELP menu by selecting “SS2 and Python Help”. There is
also help on the plugin and GUI panels. For additional help,
please contact ON Semiconductor at:




 by e-mail: [email protected].

All brand names and product names appearing in this document are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
