All MODEM parameters are listed in the xml configuration file
as follows:
<parameter string representation>
<Bits> the number of bits</Bits>
<Value> the parameter value </Value>
<Note> Some notes on the parameter </Note>
</parameter string representation>
The parameter string representation and the number of bits
should not be modified!
All number fields in the xml configuration file are to be written
in hexadecimal numbers without prefix like ‘0x’.
Send and receive ISA call pattern
ISA or Repeater Call is part of the CIASE protocol. The purpose
of the RepeaterCall service is to adapt the repeater status of server
systems depending on the topology of the electrical network. It
allows the automatic configuration of the repeater status on the
whole network. In the RepeaterCall mode, the client and the
servers transmit short frames – two bytes long each – and measure
the level of the signal to determine if a server system should be a
repeater or not.
The ISA call request has 2 parameters:
Time slot: This pattern is transmitted on a pre definded
The local MAC address when the slave is not
having address yet or has address NEW.
A random time slot between Max_Adr_MAC and
Max_A (Nb_Tslot_For_New * 21).
Max_Adr_MAC and Nb_Tslot_For_New are
transmitted to the servers in a regular
MA_DataRequest and are kept by the application
layer. Note that if Nb_Tslot_For_New is 0, the
servers in NEW state should not participate in the
ISA call.
Reception_Threshold or level represents the signal level
in dBµV threshold. The default value is 104.
The participation of the servers in the repeater call process and
the effect of the process on their repeater status depend on the
repeater management variable and the signal level heard:
Servers configured as never repeater do not participate:
they do not transmit during their sub-timeslot and their
repeater_status is not affected;
Servers configured as always repeater participate: they
transmit during their timeslot but their repeater_status is
not affected;
Servers configured as dynamic repeater participate: they
transmit during their sub-timeslot, if they have not heard
a signal before from the client or from any servers, which
is above the reception threshold. If during the whole
repeater call process, a server does not hear a signal from
the client or from other servers, which is above the
reception threshold, then its repeater status will be
TRUE: the server will repeat all frames. If a server hears
a signal from the client or from other servers, which is
above the reception threshold, then its repeater status will
be FALSE: the server won't repeat any frames. NOTE If
each server configured as dynamic repeater hears a
signal, which is above the reception threshold this means
that they are all close to a client, and no repetition is
needed. So, none of them will become a repeater.
The embedded SW in our PLC silicon only issues the error
message LM_SE, or syntax error at MAC level when:
The MODEM is master(client) and the transmission
position is different from 1.
The MODEM is slave(server) and the transmission
position is 0 or 1.
The embedded SW in our PLC silicon issues the error message
LM_TU1, or NEG at the MAC level when:
Slave MODEM is set to 'never repeater'
The MODEM is busy handling other events. In this case
the ISA call should be repeated until success.
Build a setup with one master (client) and one slave (server).
Make sure the server or slave configuration sets the Repeater
mode to 2: No repeater, but support for ISA call, or dynamic
repeater. Open a slave or server node window.
Synchronize master and slave by typing few lines on the master
Chat application, use slave MAC address or any other.
Open the ISA call tab. Enter any timeslot different from 1 and
any level. Set the logging level to 3.
Hit the ‘Send ISA Call’ button many times quickly after each
other until the logging shows an ISA confirm message with data ff.
SLAVE :09:50:50:625: Sending ISAREQUEST
SLAVE :09:50:50:703: Message was sent to MODEM
SLAVE :09:50:50:703: Received message from
MODEM: 62 0
SLAVE :09:50:50:703:IsaConfirm
SLAVE :09:50:50:781: Sending ISAREQUEST
SLAVE :09:50:50:843: Message was sent to MODEM
SLAVE :09:50:50:843: Received message from
MODEM: 62 0
SLAVE :09:50:50:843:IsaConfirm
SLAVE :09:50:50:906: Sending ISAREQUEST
SLAVE :09:50:50:984: Message was sent to MODEM
SLAVE :09:50:51:203: Received message from
62 ff
SLAVE :09:50:51:203:IsaConfirm