Verify Commands Sent/Received
Execute the setup program on the robot controller and follow the steps below to
confirm that commands can be sent and received from the Vision Sensor.
(Operation of the Teaching
Confirm the execute function
“fhsetup_main()” in source
code “MZ07-01-A.990”.
When change the other
function to be executed,
Modify the function name.
'Set network parameter
fh_ip_address = 100
fh_port_no = 9876
fh_retries_connect = 2
fh_timeout_connect = 4
'Set the user task do nothing
fh_usertaskfunc_no = 0
'Start User Task
FORKMCR 990, 10000
CallProc fhsetup_main()
'CallProc fhsample_main()
'CallProc fhsample_calaos()
(Operation of the Teaching
Press <Service Utilities>,
Select [9 Program
conversion]- [8 Language]
and press [Enter] on the
teaching pendant.
Select [Source -> exe] as the
conversion type
Select source code files in
[Device(src)] - [Memory] –
[PROGRAM] and press
Confirm the compile file in
Step 1 and press [Execute].