5 EtherCAT Communications
5 - 10
G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
When you assign the PDO mapping other than 1A00 hex simultaneously to TxPDO, total size must be 30 bytes
or less. For example, if you assign 1BFF hex simultaneously, the total size of objects in 1A00 hex will be 29
bytes or less.
Precautions for Correct Use
Precautions for Correct Use
The communications cycle you can set varies depending on the total size of mapped objects.
For details, refer to A-1-3 Communications Cycles and Corresponding Modes of Operation on
page A-5.
If the size of the mapped objects exceeds the maximum total size, a Function Setting Error
(Error No. 93.4) will occur.
For information on the maximum number of objects allowed in a PDO Mapping, refer to A-1-9
PDO Mapping Objects on page A-31.
G5-series AC Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications, Linear Motor Type allow you to
use combinations of up to two PDO mappings.
To use multiple object mappings, select two PDO mappings in Sync manager 2 PDO assignment (1C12
hex) and Sync manager 3 PDO assignment (1C13 hex), respectively.
This maps the object you selected with sub-index 01 (hex) at first and then the object you selected with
sub-index 02 (hex).
If you map the same object more than once, the value of the last object will be enabled.
These object mappings can be changed only when the EtherCAT communications state is
Pre-Operational (Pre-Op). Since the mappings you changed are not saved in EEPROM, you must
specify objects each time you turn ON the power of the G5-series Servo Drive in order to use the
mapping other than the default setting.
Maximum Number of Objects and Maximum Total Size Allowed in a
PDO Mapping
PDO Mapping Object
Max. No. of Objects
Max. Total Size of Objects
RxPDO (1600 hex)
24 bytes
TxPDO(1A00 hex)
30 bytes
Multiple PDO Mapping
Default Setting
Receive PDO mapping (RxPDO)
Transmit PDO mapping (TxPDO)
1701 hex
1B01 hex