DeviceNet Safety System
Omron now offers a DeviceNet
compatible Safety System, that
can be used 3-ways: as a Stand-
alone controller, as a Safety net-
work expandable with remote I/O
blocks, or combined with
DeviceNet to form a combined
• Conforms to Global Safety Standards
• Individual I/O LED status and error indicators
• USB Programming Port
• IEC 61508 SIL 3
• EN954-1 Category 4
• UL1604 Class 1, Div. 2 Group A,B,C,D
Product Information
Introducing a Safety Network System that dramatically alters previous safety design.
Programmable safety circuits are incorporated to facilitate efficient designing and modifications. Moreover, Safety I/O Terminals
can be added to increase safety I/O capacity for distributed allocation through the network. DeviceNet wiring on the existing net-
work can be used as is, facilitating efficient design by expanding on the existing system.
The programmability of safety circuits, expandability of I/O using the network, and compatibility with the DeviceNet open network
effects major changes to the framework of previous safety design systems.
D e v i c e N e t
S a f e t y
S y s t e m
Safety Circuits
Safety I/O Can Be
Expanded through the
Compatible with
DeviceNet Open