Chapter 2: Safety
Docking Funnel
Magnetic fields can be hazardous to medical implant wearers. Medical
Implant wearers stay back 30 cm (12 inches) from the underside of the plat-
form, which is exposed during certain maintenance procedures when the plat-
form is tipped on its side.
Qualification of Personnel
It is the end-user’s responsibility to ensure that all personnel who will work with or around
mobile robots have attended an appropriate Omron training course and have a working know-
ledge of the system. The user must provide the necessary additional training for all personnel
who will be working with the system.
As noted in this and the robot user guides, certain procedures should be performed only by
skilled or instructed persons. For a description of the level of qualification, we use the standard
Skilled persons
have technical knowledge or sufficient experience to enable them to
avoid the dangers, electrical and/or mechanical
Instructed persons
are adequately advised or supervised by skilled persons to enable
them to avoid the dangers, electrical and/or mechanical
All personnel must observe industry-prescribed safety practices during the installation, oper-
ation, and testing of all electrically-powered equipment.
13732-000 Rev J
LD Platform Peripherals Guide