Monitor signals can be routed via the AUX 1-controls to the AUX SEND 1-socket. Turn the individual AUX-
controls in order to adjust the signal portion of the respective channel in the monitor mix. Turn the AUX 1
SEND-control in order to adjust the monitor level.
When operating the amplifying system, please make sure that the loudspeakers always sound well. When
distorsions can be heard, either the amplifier or the loudspeaker is overloaded. Overloads can quickly lead to
amplifier or speaker damage.
In order to avoid damage, please reduce the volume immediately when distortions can be heard. When
speaker-systems are destroyed by overload, the guarantee becomes void.
Always check the sound pressure level with a meter in order to keep to the threshold.
If you want to switch off the system,
switch off the amplifier first
and then the pre-amplifiers in order to
avoid acoustic shocks on the speakers.
Operating an amplification system can produce extremely high noise levels that may cause a permanent
hearing loss. The legal instructions for using an amplification system vary from country to country. The user
must always inform himself on the legal instructions valid in his country and apply them to his situation.
Always monitor the sound pressure level when operating an amplification system in discotheques, concerts
etc. Never exceed the permissible noise level exposures as specified by your authorities. The monitoring of
the noise levels must be documented in an appropriate way.
In Germany, the follwing instructions are binding:
Strafgesetzbuch § 223 ff:
TA Lärm:
DIN 15905-5:
Arbeitsstättenverordnung § 15
Berufsgenossenschaftliche Vorschrift BGV B3:
VDI-Richtlinie: VDI 2058 Blatt 2:
Hearing damage caused by high noise levels can be treated as physical injury and persecuted by law.
Please note that the organizer is responsible for keeping to a specified noise level. If this noise level will be
exceeded, the event may be cancelled immediately.
If the organiser does not fulfill his safety duties, he is reliable by civil law for any damages occured, e.g.:
Pay the treatment costs of the damaged person.
Pay a smart money to the damaged person.
Economic damage caused can be demanded from the operator of the amplification system.
If hired persons work with amplification systems: the noise levels of music events are almost always too high.
This is why the entrepreneur has to set up warning signs and provide hearing protectors. The staff has to
use these.
Please note:
OMNITRONIC cannot be made liable for damages caused by incorrect installations and
excessive noise levels!
7.1 Information on hearing loss
More and more young people suffer from hearing loss of 25 dezibel or more, mainly caused by loud music
from protable cassette recorders and CD-players or discotheques.
Everybody operating amplification systems should know to what sound pressure levels he exposes his or the
audience's hearing. As an average levels between 75 and 105 dB(A) in the discotheque or 95 and 115 dB(A)
at a rock concert are reached. Individual peaks can exceed the pain level at 130 dB(A). Such levels are
typical for motor chainsaws or jack hammers.