Sink Hole Saver™ Edge
Clean with water and/or mild cleaner if needed. Thoroughly dry
after cleaning.
Lubricate clamp threads every 2 months.
White lithium grease is
Ensure material surface is clean.
Open all clamps by turning the knobs
counter-clockwise, then gently place rail
on edge of material. (see fig. 1)
If needed, adjust clamp assembly position
by loosening the mount screws on the
upper jaw with a 3/16” hex key, then slide
into desired position.
Re-tighten upper jaw bolts before
continuing. (see fig. 2)
Hand-tighten clamp knobs until rail is
secured to stone. Do not over tighten.
To remove, open all clamps by turning the
clamp knobs counter-clockwise.
If unit does not release, confirm that
all clamp knobs have been loosened. If
needed, use your hand to lightly tap knob
outward, away from sink hole, to release.
Never hit up or down. (see fig. 3)
Nettoyer avec de l’eau et / ou un nettoyant doux si nécessaire. Bien
sécher après le nettoyage.
Lubrifier les filets de serrage tous les 2 mois.
Une graisse blanche au
lithium est recommandée.
Limpie con agua y / o limpiador suave si es necesario. Seque
completamente después de la limpieza.
Lubrique las roscas de la abrazadera cada 2 meses.
Se recomienda
grasa blanca de litio.