stimulating for hand opening, place the indifferent over the thumb and index finger
motor points (centre of the forearm about 3 finger breadths above the wrist) and
active electrode over the wrist and finger extensors (posterior interosseous nerve
– about 3 finger breadths proximal from the indifferent electrode) will give strong
finger and wrist extension but less thumb extension. Swapping the active and
indifferent electrodes will give stronger thumb extension but less wrist extension.
Choosing the electrode size is important to achieve the best effect. Larger electrodes
may be more comfortable to use as the current is spread over a larger area but may
give undesirable effects because current may spread to more muscles and nerves
than is required. The best electrode size is usually the biggest one that does not
lead to overflow to unwanted muscles.
Always turn off the stimulation when moving or handling the electrodes.