OMEN Computers - - -
- - - Page: 14
set, a breakpoint remains in effect until it is removed by setting
it to address ZERO (0). Breakpoints are completely invisible, and
may be added, removed or changed at any time without adverse
affects. If the 'B' command is issued with no operands, the
current breakpoints, and the settings of the 'A', 'S' and 'T'
flags (see below) are displayed. A displayed address of '****'
indicates that a breakpoint is not set.
2.3 C <source> <destination> <size>
Copies <size> bytes of memory from the <source> to the
<destination> address.
2.4 D <address>
Displays memory in assembly listing format, starting at <address>,
continuing until an ESCAPE character is entered. Output can be
temporarily stopped with the SPACE BAR, and restarted with the
RETURN key (Additional SPACE's will output single lines). The
output is displayed in the following form:
'<address> <opcodes> <ascii> <instruction>'
<address> is the current memory location, <opcodes> is the
instruction opcodes (1, 2 or 3 bytes), <ascii> is ASCII
representation of <opcodes> (all non-printable characters are
displayed as dots), and <instruction> is the assembly language
instruction and operands which <opcodes> represents.
2.5 E <address>
Edits memory, starting at <address>. The address, and its contents
are displayed, followed by a '=' prompt. Sub commands are:
nn [nn ...] - Replace memory contents with HEX data bytes
'text ... - Replace memory contents with ASCII text
- - Backup to previous locations
<blank line>- Advance to next location with change
<ESCAPE> - Return to MON85 command prompt
2.6 F <start> <end> <value>
Fills memory between the <start> and <end> addressses with the
specified <value>.
2.7 G [address]
Loads the user program registers, and begins execution at the
specified address. If no [address] is given, execution begins at
the address contained in the user program program counter (PC). A
simple 'G' with no operands, is all that is needed to resume
execution after a breakpoint interrupt, or to resume trace mode
2.8 I <port>
Reads the specified 8085 I/O port, and displays the data.
2.9 L [address]
Downloads code from the console port. MON85 will recognize and
accept either INTEL or MOTOROLA hex format download records. The