Figure 4 - Simulating 4 to 20 mA
C. Milliamp Measure
Figure 5
shows how to connect the PCL120 to measure a 4-20 mA loop.
In this application the PCL120 is simply reading the loop current and
displaying the current in mA on the main display. The lower (smaller)
display area is showing percentage relative to a 4 to 20 mA span.
D. Milliamp Measure with Loop Power
Figure 5
shows the proper connections. But in this case the device
under test is a two-wire transmitter that requires an external power supply
to generate an output current. In this application the PCL120 will supply 24
volts to the loop while simultaneously measuring the resultant loop current.
To turn on the loop power supply press the
key while in the
mA measure mode.
Figure 5 - Measuring 4 to 20 mA