Infrared Recorder
• Measuring Trigger
• Distance to Spot Ratio (D/S)
Measuring Distance
Unit : mm
Distance : Spot = 8 : 1
Spot Size
To measure a temperature, point the unit at an object and
pull the trigger. Be sure to consider distance-to-spot size
ratio and field of view. The laser is used for aiming the
target for reference. When the laser is on, you can switch
between laser dot and circle by moving a lever in front of
optics. Laser dot is an indication of the center of the field
of view. Laser circle is an indication of the perimeter of the
field of view. The temperature reading will be updated on
the LCD. When the operator releases the trigger, the
reading will automatically be held on the LCD for 10 more
seconds. After 10 seconds this thermometer will power
down itself to save battery.
You have to make sure that the detection area you want
to measure is larger than the required spot size to get a
correct reading. The temperature you get is an average
temperature of the detected region. The smaller the target,
the shorter distance is required for the measuring.
(Please refer to the diagram on the side of the unit)