Operation Instruction
AS/NZS 2007.1: This program is the test cycle. The information for comparability test in accordance with
AS/NZS 2007.1.
Select A Drawer
1. Close the drawer, press the Power button to switch on the machine.
2. Press the Drawer button to choose a drawer. After selecting a drawer, the response light will turn on, and
the corresponding drawer program, reservation, and other information are displayed.
After selecting the drawer, all other buttons (except the power button) operate only for the current drawer.
Starting A Cycle Wash
After selecting the drawer, press the Program button to select the required program.
Press the Start/Pause button, the dishwasher will start its cycle.
When the current drawer is running, you can press the drawer selection key to switch to another
drawer, and set and start the operation. Switch to the running drawer after switching to the non-
operating drawer after 5 seconds.
If two drawers are running at the same time,
both drawer indicators light up. This icon
” ”
indicates the currently displayed drawer.
After that the washing cycle of one drawer is ended, meanwhile another cycle in the other basket is
still running, the display will continue to show the information above the finished cycle for 5 minutes.
After that the information shown will be the one of the currently running cycle.