NOTE: Cleaning is done after the Omega Juicer is turned off and disassembled.
Follow disassembling instructions.
Wash parts with cool or cold water. No detergent required, but
mild detergent may be used if desired. Bowl, plunger, cover and clutch
nut require only light rinsing.
Wash cutter blade under running water. Stiff brush may be
used to loosen any food residue.
If desired, all stainless steel parts may be cleaned in the
dishwasher. Never place top and plunger in dishwasher.
To remove pulp from the strainer basket, simply “scoop” out
by hand or with a spoon. To remove any remaining pulp, rotate the
strainer basket under running water. Any remaining particles inside the
strainer basket can be removed with a damp towel or sponge.
HINT: Before juicing, an Omega Juicer filter liner can be inserted inside
the strainer basket, which greatly facilitates in removal of the pulp.
(The optional filters are available from your local dealer).
Towel dry all parts before assembling again.
After repeated use, mineral stains may begin to appear on the
juicer parts that come in contact with juice. Immerse all removable parts
and completely submerge in water overnight with a solution of eight
tablespoons of Cascade or similar dishwasher detergent per gallon of
water. REMEMBER: Don’t immerse the motor base housing.
Your Omega Juicer never needs lubrication of any kind.
SPECIAL NOTE: Should your Omega Juicer stop running or not start
when you turn the machine on, it is most likely due to the fact that the
electrical overload switch has been tripped. This red button is located
on the bottom of the juicer. Simply push the button to reset the machine
and the machine should now function normally.
Ca r ro t - Ce l e ry Ju i c e – Combine two parts carrot juice to one part celery
juice. Add a few drops of lemon juice for added flavo r.
Ca r ro t - Ce l e ry - Apple Ju i c e – Combine equal amounts of carrot, celery
and apple juice.
Ap p l e - Ca r rot Ju i c e – Combine equal amounts of apple and carrot juice.
Ca r ro t - Cabbage Ju i c e – Combine three parts carrot juice to one part
cabbage juice.
Ap p l e - Ce l e ry Ju i c e – Combine two parts apple juice to one part
c e l e ry juice.
Ca r ro t - Cu c u m b e r - Beet Ju i c e – Combine five ounces carrot juice,
two ounces cucumber juice and one ounce beet juice. Or, one cucumber
peeled, one red beet and the remainder carro t .
Ca r ro t - Ce l e ry - Pa r s l ey Ju i c e – Combine four ounces carrot juice, three
ounces of celery juice and one ounce parsley juice. I M P O RTA N T: One
ounce of any leafy green vegetable can be substituted for the parsley juice.
Ca r ro t - Pa r s l ey Ju i c e – Combine seven ounces of carrot juice to one ounce
of parsley juice.
Ap p l e - Ca r ro t - Beet Ju i c e – Combine juice from one beet to equal parts of
apple and carrot juice.
Ca r ro t - Cucumber Ju i c e – Combine four parts carrot juice to one part
cucumber juice.