Award-winning Technology: The iServer is simple to install and use. It features award-
winning technology that requires no special software except a Web Browser.
The iServer connects to an Ethernet Network with a standard RJ45 connector and sends
data in standard TCP/IP packets. It is easily configured with a simple menu using a Web
Browser and can be password protected. From within an Ethernet LAN or over the
Internet, the user simply types its IP address or an easy to remember name such as
"Room 5" or "ServRoom" in any Web Browser, and the iServer serves a Web Page with
the current readings.
Typical Applications: The iServer is great for monitoring tempe humidity in
applications such as: clean rooms, computer rooms, HVAC systems, pharmaceutical
and food processing and storage, hospitals, laboratories, semiconductor fabs, electronic
assembly, warehousing, museums, manufacturing, greenhouses, farm animal shelters,
and many more.
Email Alarms: All iServer models that are on a LAN that is connected to the Internet can
trigger an alarm that can be sent by email to a single user or to a group distribution list,
including text messages to cell phones and PDA’s.
This device can be purchased as a stand alone DIN Rail mounted unit
(iBTX-D or iBTHX-D), as a bench/wall mount unit (iBTX-W or iBTHX-W), or as a
bench/wall mount unit with an LCD display, Flash Memory Card and Back-up
Battery (iBTX-SD).
The following example illustrates how you can hookup an iServer to your network:
A standard web browser can be used to monitor and chart barometric pressure,
temperature, humidity, and dew point. The browser can also be used to configure the
device’s IP address, passwords for access and overall configuration parameters.
An iLD Big Display can display temperature and barometric pressure received from an
iServer over the Ethernet or the Internet. The following example illustrates how you can
hookup an iServer and iLD to your network:
Figure 1.1 iServer with Probe on the Ethernet Network
(iLOG application
Web Browser)