Press the MAX/MIN key to record and display the maximum reading
for either temperature, humidity, or air velocity. The maximum reading
· · · ·
display will alternate with the letter "H'' displayed with the sample rate.
Press the MAX/MIN key again to record and hold the minimum reading. The
minimum reading display will alternate with the letter "L" displayed with the
sample rate.
For example:
1065 alternating with H B
signifies that 1065 is the highest airspeed
reading since the MAX/MIN key was pressed, and the sample rate is set to 8
82 alternating with L 16
signifies that 82 is the lowest airspeed
reading since the MAX/MIN key was pressed, and the sample rate is set to 16
To exit MAX/MIN mode, press the SAMPLE RATE key.
l .. �)
Press the HOLD/RESET key to freeze the current reading on the
l\ESEf display. HOLD is displayed on the LCD and the reading is held.
Press the HOLD/RESET key a second time to clear this mode and return the unit
to normal operation.
Press the HOLD/RESET key while in MIN/MAX mode to display BOTH the
minimum and maximum readings since the MAX/MIN key was pressed. Once
the HOLD/RESET key is pressed while in MAX/MIN mode, new readings are
no longer recorded. To return to
mode, press the
key again.
Rev 1.8, 1 0-Jun-2008
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