FDT-25W Wall Mounter Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Use M38 for the manual totalizer. Press ENT key to start and stop the totalizer.
4.24 How to know how long the battery will last
Use M07 to check how long the battery will last. Also please refer to §.2.1
4.25 How to check the ESN and other minor details
Every set of the FDT-25W flow meter utilizes a unique ESN to identify the meter. The ESN is an 8-digit
number that provides the information of version and manufacturing date.
The user can also employ the ESN for instrumentation management.
The ESN is displayed in window M61.
Other details about the instrument are the total working hours displayed in window M+1, and the total
power-on times displayed in window M+4.
4.26 How to use the data logger for scheduled output
Use menu window 51 to setup the time of scheduled output, including start time, time interval and how
many times of output. Then use menu window 50 to turn on data logger and select the items you want
to output.
4.27 How to output analogue voltage signal
Parallel a 250 resistance to the terminal of the Current loop output (No.21, 22), then you can change
the 4-20mA output to analogue voltage output.
4.28 How to adjust the LCD display
You may use menu window 70 to setup the LCD display backlight and menu window 71to adjust
contrast it.
4.29 How to use RS232/RS485?
Use menu window 62 to set up RS232/RS485. All the devices connected with flow meter should have
matched serial configuration.
The following parameters can be configured: Baud rate (300 to 19200 bps), parity, data bits (always is
8), stop bits (1).