Do not connect several condensed water sources to one drain device because air would
bypass filtering (left). Instead, each drain where water condensate collects must have its own
condensate drain device (right).
Drainage piping must be built without traps that would trap air in the AOK 50 and prevent
condensed water to enter it (left). Additional venting would not help because debris could
collects in the lowest part of drainage pipe and clog it (right).
Horizontal drainage pipes must be inclined so that air can escape from the AOK 50 and that
the debris is flushed toward the AOK 50 (left). When horizontal drainage pipes are long,
venting should be built (right).
The output port should be dimensioned to withstand the pressure, which is in the system. It
is highly recommended that the waste condensate from the OUTLET connection is treated.
Oil can be separated from the condensate with a separator of oil/water like the WOS series.