General Information
Tras la recepcion de un envio Omcan favor inspeccionar daños externos. Si no hay daños evidentes en el
empaque exterior, Habra el carton para asegurararse que todos los articulos solicitados ésten dentro de la
caja y no encuentre daños ocultos en la máquina. Si el paquete ha sufrido un manejo de poco cuidado, golpes
o daños (visible o oculto) por favor anote en la factura antes de aceptar la entrega y contacte Omcan dentro
de las 24 horas, de modo que podamos iniciar una reclamación con la compañia. Un informe detallado sobre
los daños causados a la máquina debe ser llenado en el plazo de tres días, desde la fecha de entrega que se
muestra en los documentos de envío. Omcan no tiene ningun recurso por productos dañados que se enviaron
a recoger por terceros.
Safety and Warranty
• Ensure that electric requirements on label rating are complied with local standards. Failure to do so may
result in the equipment catching fire or breaking down.
Ensure that machine is plugged into a grounded electrical outlet in order to prevent an electric shock.
In an emergency situation, turn of all switches and unplug machine.
Keep hands and other body parts clear of workspace when machine is in operation to prevent injury.
• Machine should only be repaired by the manufacturer or a qualified agent in the event that the machine
breaks down.
The manufacturer and supplier decline all responsibility in the case of damage or injury resulting from
improper use of the machine.
In the event of electrical wire damage, do not use machine.
The electric wire must be used special soft wire, buy it from manufacturer or repair department.
Keep machine and machine parts away from water in order to minimize the risk of an electric shock or
damage to the mechanical components as machine is NOT waterproof.
Turn off and unplug machine when it is being worked on for repairs or maintenance.
Stop using machine if it starts operating differently for example excessive vibration or awkward sounds.
Perform regular checks of the blade cover, food holder arm, blade and other parts to ensure they are not
damaged or loose.
Do not cut meat frozen.
Do not cut cheese.
Contact Omcan in the event that machine is damaged.
Contact Omcan if information is needed that is not included in this manual.
Ground terminal must be ground before the slicer is fixed. Avoid resulting in personal server injury due
to leakage.
Keep hands and other body parts clear of slicer as it operates automatically. Failure to comply may
result in injury due to electric shock.