About stored music and photos
Olympus accepts no responsibility for any damage due to loss or inability to play back music or photo data
resulting from malfunction of this product or the computer.
About sample images, tracks and templates incorporated into this product
The copyrights of the sample images, tracks, and templates are owned by the artists or their suppliers.
These sample materials may not be reproduced or used for profit and may not be transferred or resold to third
Failure to comply with these limitations may result in penalties for infringement of copyrights.
Olympus accepts no responsibility in cases where these copyrights are violated.
Design rule for Camera File system (DCF)
The standards for camera file systems referred to in this manual are the “Design rule for Camera File system/
DCF” standards stipulated by the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association
00MR500i_E.book Page 5 Thursday, November 4, 2004 6:22 PM