Horizontally or vertically, you can take multiple shots that get stitched.
Thanks to its rapid refresh rate, it’s
easy to click off a series of shots as
quickly as you can compose and shoot.
The ultimate shooting machine.
From the first moment you take this little number out for a
spin, you’ll know you’re holding one serious camera. For
instance, instead of merely masking a single film
exposure the way some cameras do, the D-450 ZOOM’s
true panorama mode lets you seamlessly stitch multiple
shots together to create awe-inspiring super-wide and
super-high views. Of course, having the fastest refresh
rate of any camera in its class doesn’t hurt either, so you
can fire off shots one right after another or automatically
snap off a series of up to 10 shots in a row. Another
important distinction of the D-450 ZOOM is its 114,000
pixel LCD, which gives you a glare-free view of your
images for preview or playback regardless of the angle
you’re viewing them from. Whether you’re standing off to
the side, or holding the camera over your head, you’re
guaranteed to always have a clear image of your subject.
You’ll always have a clear view no matter how
you look at the Olympus easy viewing LCD.