P-330N/P-400 dedicated printer, 162
panoramas, 131–133
Playback menu
how to use, 139
when movie frame is on display, 138
when still image is on display, 138
PLAY mode
indicator marks, 63
purpose, 25
selecting, 62
Polaroid printing, See also Print menu
adjusting the print tonality, 177–178
and film temperature, 58
basic procedure, 55
camera position when printing, 58
cropped image, 67, 68–69
movie frame, 105
movie index, 107
precautions and print
characteristics, 57
printing multiple copies, 100
setting caption type and caption
position, 97
split prints, 102
power-off, automatic, 42, 62
PRINT button, location, 24
Print menu
available operations, 94
how to use, 95
PRINT mode, purpose, 25
print outlet, location, 23
print tonality adjustment, 177–178
PRINTER ERROR message, 201
printing, See also digital printing and
Polaroid printing
by dedicated printer, 155
through computer, 155
through photofinishing service, 155
processing gauge, 50
PROTECT button, 24, 72
protect mark, 63, 72
protecting against accidental erasure, 72
quick focus, 81
REC view, 171
indicators and marks, 42, 44–45
purpose, 25
selecting, 42
switching off indicator marks, 170
recording modes, 121–123
and Polaroid prints, 123
selecting, 121
tradeoff between quality and
capacity, 121
red-eye reduction, 86
red-eye red slow sync, 88
remaining picture count, 45
self-timer lamp, 23, 116
self-timer mark, 115
self-timer, using, 116
sequence mark, 120
sequence shooting, 119
Setup menu, 166–168
SETUP mode, purpose, 25
Shooting menu, 112–114
changing a setting temporarily, 114
SHQ and SHQ-TIFF recording
modes, 121
shutter release button
full-press, 50
half-press, 48
location, 23
slave flash unit, 134
sleep state, 42, 62
sleep time, setting, 179
slow sync, 88