Olympus 8 x 42 PRO User Manual Download Page 4


This warranty is effective only in the country or the area where this product was shipped.



1. 本保証書をお受け取りの際は、販売店名およびお買上げ年月日等が記入されているかどうかを


2. 保証期間経過後の修理等についてのお問い合わせは、お近くの当社サービスステーションをご


3. 本保証書は再発行いたしませんので紛失しないように大切に保管して下さい。


1. 本製品の取扱説明書、取扱上の注意事項等に従った使用状態および使用方法で保証期間内に本


2. 販売店、または当社修理受付窓口にご持参いただくに際しての諸費用は、お客様にご負担をお


3. 保証期間内でも次のような場合には、有償修理になります。



(ロ) 当社修理受付窓口、および当社が認定する修理店以外で行われた修理・改造・分解掃除等




(ホ) 火災・地震・水害・落雷その他の天災地変、公害による故障および損傷。
(ヘ) 保管上の不備(高温、多湿の場所、ナフタリン等の防虫剤や有害薬品のある場所での保管等)


(リ)お買上げ年月日、販売店名、製品 No. 等の記載事項を訂正された場合。

4. 本保証書の保証対象は本体および同梱の充電器のみで、電池等の消耗品類、ケース・ストラッ


5. 本製品の故障および本製品の使用によって生じた直接、間接の損害および付随的損害(撮影に


ご注意 1.  本保証書は、以上の保証規定により無償修理をお約束するものであって、オリンパス株式会


     2.  本保証書の表示についてご不明の点は、当社修理受付窓口にお問合せください。


1. 修理完了品には、当社より修理伝票が発行されますので、修理品をお受取の際ご確認ください。
2. 部品保有期間後であっても修理可能の場合もありますので、お買上げの販売店または、お近く


3. なお、日本以外での修理は部品取り寄せのためお時間が掛かる場合があります。
4. 本保証書は再発行いたしませんので大切に保管してください。

※ 記録媒体を搭載または使用する製品において、何らかの原因により機器が故障した場合、または修理、交換等の際に、


※ お客様にご記入いただいた個人情報は、本製品の修理対応に関するご連絡および安全点検活動の目的以外には利


Provision of warranty

1.  If this product has proven to be defective although it has been used properly (in Accordance with Handling Care 

and other sections in the Instructions), repair will be carried out without charge for a period of up to one year from 
the date of purchase.
Take the camera and warranty to the dealer where the product was purchased or an Olympus authorized service 
station, and request the necessary repair.

2.  Costs incurred when transporting the product to the dealer or Olympus authorized service station are to be born 

to the customer. If you return this product for repair or replacement, please use a commercial package carrier 
or registered mail to ensure that you have a record of shipment. Make sure the product to the dealer is properly 
packed before the dealer to Olympus servicing facilities, may be at least partly the customer’s responsibility, 
depending on the transport method used.

3.  Even within the warranty period, the following situations will require the customer to pay repair charges.

(a)  Any defect or damage that occurs due to misunderstanding (such as an operation performed that is not 

mentioned in the Handling Care or other sections of the Instructions, etc.).

(b)   Any defect or damage that occurs due to repair, modification, cleaning, etc. performed by anyone other than 

Olympus or an Olympus authorized service station.

(c)  Any defect or damage that occurs due to transport, a fall, shock, etc. after purchase of the product.
(d)  Any defect or damage that occurs due to use memory card which has not been checked and approved by 


(e)  Any defect or damage that occurs due to fire, earthquake, flood damage, thunderbolt, other natural disasters 

and environmental pollution.


Any defect or damage that occurs due to careless or improper storage (such as keeping the product under 
conditions if high temperature and humidity, near insect repellents such as naphthalene or harmful drugs, 
etc.), improper maintenance, etc.

(g)  Any defect or damage that occurs due to sand, mud, etc. entering the inside of the product casing.
(h)  When this warranty is not appended.

When any alterations are made on the warranty regarding the year, month and date of purchase, the dealer’s 
name, the serial number, etc.

4.  This warranty does not cover any accessories (case, strap, lens cap, etc.) or consumables (batteries, etc). This 

warranty covers only the product and the battery charger which is included.

5.  Olympus is not liable for incidental or consequential damages due to defect of the product. (As examples, for loss 

of revenues or pro


 ts, expense, etc.).


1. This warranty promises repair without charge to the customer under provisions mentioned above; it is not meant 

to limit any rightful customer claims.

2.  If you have any problems concerning details of this warranty, call any of the Olympus authorized service stations.

Notes regarding warranty maintenance

1.  When you receive this warranty, make sure that the name of the dealer and the year, month and date of purchase 

are all completed.

2.  Since this warranty will not be re-issued, keep it in a safe place.
3.  This warranty is valid only in the country the product was purchased. The Olympus authorized service stations will 

gladly honour it.

Regarding service after purchase

1.  A receipt will be issued by Olympus for the repair made to the product. Make sure the receipt is in order when the 

repaired product.

2.  Call any Olympus authorized service station for repairs and service after the warranty period expires.

Disclaimer of warranties

Olympus makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, by or concerning any content if these 
written materials or software, and in no event shall be liable for any implied warranty of merchantability of 



for any particular purpose or for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including but no limited to 
damages for loss of business pro


 ts, business interruption and loss of business information) arising from the use of 

inability to use these written materials of software. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for 
consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you.

This warranty is effective only in the country or the area where this product was purchased.


이 제품을 구입한 국가나 지역에서만 이 보증이 적용됩니다.

This warranty must be presented at an Olympus authorized repair service station before any repair can be made under 
conditions of the warranty. 
This warranty is valid if the Warranty Certi


 cate and proof of purchase are presented. 


보증기간 이내에 수리를 요할 경우, 올림푸스 공인 수리 서비스 센터에 이 보증서를 제시해 주십시오.  보증은 본 보증서와 구

매 증명서가 있어야 유효합니다. 

Provisions of warranty

1.  lf this product proves to be defective, although it has been used properly (in accordance with the written Handling Care and Operating 

instructions supplied with it), during a period of up to one year from the date of purchase this product will be repaired, or at Olympus’s 
option replaced, free of charge.
To claim under warranty the customer must take the product and this Warranty certificate before the end of the one year warranty period 
to the dealer where the product was purchased or any Olympus authorized service station and request the necessary repairs.

2.  The customer shall transport the product to the dealer or Olympus authorized service station at his own risk and shall be responsible for 

any costs incurred in transporting the product.

3.  This warranty does not cover the following and the customer will be required to pay repair charge, even for defects occurring within the 

one year period referred to above.

(a)  Any defect that occurs due to mishandling (such as an operation performed that is not mentioned in the Handling Care or other 

sections of the instructions, etc.)

(b)  Any defect that occurs due to repair, modi


 cation, cleaning, etc. performed by anyone other than Olympus or an Olympus authorized 

service station.

(c)  Any defect or damage that occurs due to transport, a falI, shock, etc. after purchase of the product.
(d)  Any defect or damage that occurs due to 


 re, earthquake, 


 ood damage, thunderbolt, other natural disasters, environmental pollution 

and irregular voltage sources.

(e)  Any defect that occurs due to careless or improper storage (such as keeping the product under conditions of high temperature and 

humidity, near insect repellents such as naphthalene or harmful drugs, etc.), improper maintenance, etc.

(f)  Any defect that occurs due to exhausted batteries, etc.
(g)  Any defect that occurs due to sand, mud, etc. entering the inside of the product casing.
(h)  When this Warranty Certi


 cate is not returned with the product.

(i)  When any alterations whatsoever are made to the Warranty Certi


 cate regarding the year, month and date of purchase, the 

customer’s name, the dealer’s name, and the serial number.

(j)  When proof of purchase is not presented with this Warranty Certi



4.  This Warranty applies to the product only; the Warranty does not apply to any other accessory equipment, such as the case, strap, lens 

cap, batteries and battery chargers.

5.  Olympus’ sole liability under this warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacing the product and any liability for indirect or consequential 

loss or damage of any kind incurred or suffered by the customer due to a defect in the product, and in particular any loss or damage 
caused to any film or lenses or other equipment or accessories used with the product or for any loss resulting from delay in repair, is 


1.  This Warranty is in addition to and does not affect the customer’s statutory right.
2.  lf you have any queries regarding this Warranty, call any of the Olympus authorized service stations.

Notes regarding warranty maintenance

1.  This Warranty will only be valid if the Warranty Certificate is duly completed by Olympus or the dealer. Make sure that your name, the 

name of the dealer, the serial number and the year, month and date of purchase are all completed.

2.  Since this Warranty Certificate will not be re-issued, keep it in a safe place.
3.  Any request for repair by a customer in same country where the product was purchased shall be subject to the terms of the warranty 

issued by the Olympus distributor in that country. Where the local Olympus distributor does not issue a separate warranty, the terms of this 
warranty shall apply.

4.  Where applicable, this Warranty is valid only in the country the product was purchased. The Olympus authorized service stations will 

gladly honor it.

Disclaimer of Warranty

Olympus makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, by or concerning any content if these written materials 
or software, and in no event shall be liable for any implied warranty of merchantability or 


 tness for any particular purpose or for any 

consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including but not limited to damages for loss of business pro


 ts, business interruption and loss 

of business information) arising from the use of inability to use these written materials or software. Some states do not allow the exclusion or 
limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you.


1. 由購買⽇期起計⼀年內,產品如有故障,並經證實屬正常使⽤下發⽣者(符合說明書所提供的使⽤及操作守則),本公司將免費給予修理。如


2. 貴⼾須⾃⾏負責將該產品運抵各認可的奧林巴斯服務站。
3. 在下列情況,本保證書將會⾃動失效,⽽貴⼾須繳付合理費⽤:





















4. 本保證只適⽤於產品;保證不適⽤於任何其他配件設備,例如⽪套、肩帶、鏡頭蓋、電池與電池充電器。
5. 根據此保⽤條款,奧林巴斯公司所須承擔的責任只限於產品的維修,⾄於任何由於產品損壞⽽直接或間接引起之損失;或任何由於膠卷,鏡頭



1. 此保⽤條款與貴⼾的法定權利互不牴觸。
2. 如果您對此保證書有任何疑問,請致電任何奧林巴斯授權的服務站。


1. 收到本保證書時,請確認銷售店名和購買⽇期等記載事項。如出現記載事項錯誤,請攜帶保證書及購買時的票據或收據到銷售店查詢。
2. 請妥善保存此保證書,本公司將不會給予-補發。
3. 貴⼾如在購買產品的國家內提出任何維修服務要求時,⼀切將以當地的奧林巴斯代理商所發之保證書的條款為依據。如該地奧林巴斯代理商


4. 如果適⽤,本保證書只在產品的購買國有效。奧林巴斯授權的服務站會很樂意為您提供服務。



품질 보증의 규정

1.  취급상 주의 사항과 사용설명서에 따라 올바르게 사용했음에도 불구하고 이 제품에 결함이 있다고판명되었을 경우에는 제품 

구입일로부터 1년간 무상으로 제한된 범위 내의 부품 교환과 제품 수리를 해 드립니다. 품질 보증을 받기 위해서는 품질 보증기간 1년 

내에 제품과 함께 본 품질 보증서를 지참하여 제품을 구입한 판매점이나 올림푸스 지정 서비스센터에 가서 필요한 수리를 요청하십시오.

2.  고객은 본인 부담으로 판매업자나 지정된 올림푸스 서비스센터에 제품을 운송하시고, 그에 따른리스크나 운송에 따른 제 비용을 

책임지셔야 합니다.

3.  본 품질 보증은 다음의 경우에는 해당되지 않으며 상기된 품질 보증기간 1년 이내에 발생된 결함이라 할지라도 고객은 수리비를 

부담하셔야 합니다.

(a)  취급상 부주의에 의해 발생한 결함 (안전 주의 사항과 사용설명서에 언급되어 있지 않은 제품 작동 등의 경우)

(b)  올림푸스나 올림푸스가 지정한 서비스센터 이외의 어떠한 다른 기관에 의한 수리, 변경, 손질등에 의해 발생된 결함.

(c)  낙하, 충격 등 제품 구입후, 운송 상에서 발생된 손상과 결함.

(d)  화재, 지진, 홍수, 낙뢰 등 자연 재해, 환경 오염과 비규정 전압 사용으로 인한 손상과 결함.

(e)  잘못된 보관, 보관상의 부주의, 부적절한 제품 관리로 인해 발생된 결함 (유해한 약품이나 나프탈린 등 방충제 근처에 보관하거나, 

고온고습 하에서 보관하는 등의 경우).

(f)  소모된 전지에 의해 발생된 결함.

(g)  모래, 진흙 등이 본체에 들어가서 발생된 결함.

(h)  제품과 함께 본 품질 보증서가 제시되지 않았을 경우.

(i)  제품 번호, 판매업자명, 고객명, 구입일자 등 본 품질 보증서에 기재된 사항을 임의로 변경했을 경우.

(j)  본 품질 보증서가 제시되지 않아 구입 증명이 되지 않을 경우.

4.  이 보증은 제품에만 적용되며 케이스, 스트랩, 렌즈 캡, 배터리, 배터리 충전기 등 기타 액세서리 장비에는 적용되지 않습니다.

5.  품질 보증에 의한 올림푸스의 총 부담은 체품의 수리 교환에 한정됩니다. 특히, 부속품, 보조 장비, 렌즈, 필름에 의해 발생된 어떠한 

손실이나 피해, 수리 지연으로 인한 손실이나, 제품 결함으로 인해 고객이 겪은 어떠한 종류의 피해, 이차적이거나 결과적인 손해에 

대해서 올림푸스는 책임지지않습니다.

유의 사항;

본 품질 보증에 관한 문의 사항은 올림푸스 지정 서비스센터로 문의해주십시오.

품질 보증 보관, 관리에 관한 유의 사항

1.  본 품질 보증은 품질 보증서가 판매업자나 올림푸스나 판매 업자에 의해 정식으로 작성되었을 경우에만 유효합니다. 본 보증서를 받으실 

때는 판매업자명 및 구입일자 등이 모두 기재되어 있는지확인하십시오.

2.  품질 보증서는 재발급되지 않으므로 안전한 장소에 보관하십시오.

3.  제품을 구입한 국가 내에서 고객의 수리 요청은 해당 국가의 올림푸스 대리점에 의해서 발급된 품질 보증서의 조항에 의거합니다. 

올림푸스 대리점이 별도의 품질 보증서를 발급하지 않는 지역 경우, 본 품질 보증서 조항이 적용됩니다. 

4.  해당되는 경우, 이 보증은 본 제품을 구입한 나라에서만 유효합니다. 올림푸스 지정 서비스 센터는 기꺼이 본 품질 보증을 이행합니다. 

품질 보증에 관한 주의

올림푸스는 만약 기술된 자료나 소프트웨어가 어떠한 경우에도 특정한 목적이나 기술된 자료나 소프트웨어를사용할 수 없는 경우에 

사용하여 발생하는 결과적이거나 부수적인 또는 간접적인 손상 

(사업 이익의 손실, 사업 방해, 사업 정보의 손실 등에 국한되지 않는) 에 대한 적절함이나 판매에 관하여 내포된 보증에 대한 의무가없다면 

어떠한 내용에 관한 것에 의해서 명시되어 있는 또는 내포되어 있는 설명이나 보증을 하지 않습니다.

일부 조항들은 예외나 결과적이거나 부수적인 손상에 대한 책임의 제한을 허용하지 않으므로 상기 제한은 사용자에게 적용되지 않을 수 있습니다.

*  한국어로 쓰여진 보증서의 내용은 한국에서만 적용됩니다.

*  The contents of the warranty written in Korean language are applied only to the Korean markets.





For customers in Asia






For customers in Oceania, Australia, New Zealand and the Paci


 c Islands

Olympus Consumer Imaging Products Warranty Against Defects


1.  To validate this warranty, you are requested to:

a. provide all necessary information (owner’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and 

date of purchase); and

b. the warranty certificate or card; OR
c.  the original purchase receipt; OR
d. a bank statement identifying the particulars of the product purchased and / or describing the product 


Any of the above must be presented to the place of purchase or to the authorised service facility 
before any repair can be made under warranty. 

2.  This warranty is effective only in the Oceania region, including Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific 

Islands.  Products purchased in the Oceania region shall be subject to the terms of this warranty and 
not the Olympus worldwide warranty.  This warranty is governed by and is in addition to your rights 
under Australian Consumer Law and is issued by Olympus Australia Pty Ltd (ABN: 90 078 493 295) 
(Olympus Australia).  This warranty applies to the following:
a. A warranty period of two (2) years for purchases of Olympus Micro Four-Thirds cameras and 


b. A warranty period of one (1) year for purchases of Olympus compact cameras,
c.  A warranty period of ten (10) years for purchases of Olympus binoculars and,
d. A warranty period of one (1) year on all other Olympus products.

3.  Subject to any rights you may have under the Australian Consumer Law, if your product proves to 

be defective, although it has been used properly (in accordance with the written Handling Care and 
Operating instructions supplied with it), you may be entitled to:
a. rescind your contract with the dealer; 
b. a refund or partial refund from the dealer; 
c.  a repair of the product; or  
d. a replacement of the product.

4.  Please note that goods presented for repair may be replaced by refurbished goods of the same type 

rather than being repaired.  Refurbished parts may be used to repair the goods.
To claim under this warranty the customer must take the product and proof of purchase to the following 
Olympus authorised service stations: 

Olympus Australia Pty Ltd
Level 4, 97 Waterloo Road Macquarie Park NSW 2113
Phone: 1300 659 678 Fax: (612) 9889 7988
E-mail: [email protected]

Hartland Camera Repairs
Unit 7, 16 Stanford Way, Malaga, WA 6090
Phone: (08) 9328 3499 Fax: (08) 9227 1613
E-mail: [email protected]

A & E Electronics Ltd
Level 1, 184 Shaw Avenue, New Brighton, Christchurch 8083
New Zealand
Phone: (643) 372-1213
Fax: (643) 377-1727
E-mail: [email protected]

5.  Olympus authorised service stations details are subject to change. All changes will be updated at the 

following website: http://www.olympus.com.au/repaircentres

6.  In circumstances where the product is to be repaired, the customer must also complete the Olympus 

Product Repair Form which is available at:  http://www.olympus.com.au/repairhandling

7.  The customer shall transport the product to the authorised supplier or Olympus authorised service 

station at their own risk.

8.  This warranty does not cover the following, and the customer will be required to pay any repair charge 

a. Any defect that occurs due to mishandling (such as an operation performed that is not mentioned in 

the Handling Care or other sections of the instructions, etc.)  

b. Any defect that occurs due to repair, modification, cleaning or any other action performed by anyone 

other than the Olympus authorised service station.  

c.  Any defect or damage that occurs due to transport, a fall, shock etc. after purchase of the product.  
d. Any defect or damage that occurs due to fire, earthquake, flood damage, thunderbolt, other natural 

disasters, environmental pollution and irregular voltage sources.  

e. Any defect that occurs due to carelessness or improper storage (such as keeping the product under 

conditions of high temperature and humidity, near insect repellents such as naphthalene or harmful 
drugs, etc.) improper maintenance, etc.  

f.  Any defect that occurs due to exhausted batteries.  
g. Any defect that occurs due to sand, mud, or any other substance entering the inside of the product 


h. When any alterations whatsoever are made to the Warranty Certificate regarding the year, month 

and date of purchase, the customer’s name, the dealer’s name, and the serial number.  

i.  When proof of purchase is not presented. 

9.  Australian Consumer Law provides a set of statutory consumer guarantees and other legal rights that 

cannot be excluded, restricted or modified by contract.  This warranty is in addition to and does not 
affect any of your rights under the Australian Consumer Law and other relevant statutes. 

10. In Australia, our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer 

Law.  You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other 
reasonably foreseeable loss or damage.  You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced 
if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. 

11. Subject to your non-excludable rights under the Australian Consumer Law, Olympus expressly 

excludes any liability for consequential loss, incidental or indirect damages (including but not limited 
to damages for loss of business profits, business interruption and loss of business information) due 
to a defect of the product.  In particular any loss or damage caused to any lenses or other equipment 
or accessories used with the product or any loss resulting from a delay in repair are excluded to the 
extent permitted by law.

12. If your claim in respect of an Olympus consumer product is covered under this warranty or under 

the consumer guarantees set out in the Australian Consumer Law, Olympus will bear the expense 
of making the claim.  Consumers may make a claim using the contact details for Olympus set out 
above.  If, following receipt of a claim under either this warranty, Olympus or its authorised service 
station determine that your claim in respect of an Olympus consumer product is not covered under 
this warranty or the consumer guarantees set out in the Australian Consumer Law, Olympus or its 
authorised service station may charge you for any labour, parts or transport costs incurred by Olympus 
or its authorised service station which costs have previously been agreed with you.

13. This warranty is issued at the time of original purchase.  It is non-transferable and will not be 

