The processor STC90C58AD then appears in the MCU Type window. AUTO appears in the adjacent
Step 2: Adding the programme code (Open Code File)
The corresponding programme code must now be added. Click on the "Open Code File" button. A selection
window appears (if necessary, open the file which you set up):
Select the programme code relevant for your machine, NC3x0_3_1.hex, and confirm it.
Step 3: Configuring the serial port (COM port, Max. Baud, Min Baud)
Define the settings for the serial port:
a) Select the COM Port (it may have been displayed during installation of the USB-to-serial adapter,
otherwise is must found by trial and error).
b) Set the max. baud rate to 9600.
c) Set the min. baud rate to 2400.
Step 4: Setting hardware option
Please select 6T for "Double Speed" and also select "Enable internal XRAM".