Lay out all the wall
Make sure to position panels
right side up so water is
directed away from and not
into shed.
Note, to determine correct
alignment, the attached
Bottom Wall Plate of wall
panel will be sitting on floor.
Starting at rear corner, position wall
panel on top of plywood floor. The wall panel
bottom framing will sit flush with floor framing
slightly overhanging plywood. The butt of the
wall siding will overhang plywood floor.
The wall panel will sit flush at the end of the
plywood floor with the butt of the siding overhanging
the floor.
Siding will overhang the floor by approx. 7/8”
Important -
initial wall orientation is important. If wall
not aligned correctly, you may experience problems.
Outside 2x3 framing of wall panel
will sit even with outside of floor
framing with plywood flooring
slightly inset on side of shed
Rear Wall Panel.
Side of Shed
Door Jamb
Door Header
Wall Siding
I piece of spare Bevel Wall
Siding - 3/4” x 7 1/2” x 35”
(Part 2I) is included in kit.
Please do not discard.
Use if any wall damage has
occurred during shipping or a
repair to the wall is needed
later on.
Toll Free 1-888-658-1658 www.outdoorlivingtoday.com [email protected]
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