2 3
Connect fused cable wires to 12V DC adapter (red to red / black to black). Crimp
metal clamps to secure bare wiring and use electrical tape to shield metal connections
Connect fused cable positive wire (red) to auto battery post (positive). Connect fused
cable negative wire (black) to auto battery post (negative), or any bare metal to act as
a ground. Alternate powering options may include: ignition switch wiring, or other
similar solutions where a “hot” and “ground” are available
*Professional Installation is Strongly Recommended
Read all instructions carefully before installation
Do not discard instructions
Professional installation is strongly recommended
Install only as instructed. Careful installation will ensure prolonged life. Repeated installations
may shorten the life of this product
Do not excessively bend or fold strips
Do not exceed 36 feet per controller
Do not look directly into light
Risk of Fire:
Do not install near areas of extreme heat
Risk of Electrical Shock:
Do not install strips near moisture-prone areas
Keep adapter and controller away from moisture-prone areas
Kit Contents
Two 1ft. multi-color LED strip
One 1ft. extension cable
One 2ft. extension cable
One 10ft. fused cable
One Y cable
One 4in. velcro strip
One 12V DC Adapter (cigarette lighter adapter)
One controller
One infrared remote
One user’s manual
Step 1
Choose an area where you would like to add LED lights. Infrared remote will ONLY work in
line-of-sight to the eye of the PPA controller. Verify line-of-sight from remote to controller
Step 2
Prior to installation, ensure area where light strips and controller are placed, is clean
Step 3
If connecting multiple strips, taping strips to pin connections (standard electrical tape) is
recommended to ensure strips remain secure during general motion created by the road
Step 4
If using 4in. velcro strip, cut into four identical sections to secure strips to chosen area, placing
one piece at either end of each strip (two total per strip). If sag occurs mid-strip, length of velcro
should allow for cutting into six identical sections to add velcro support at middle of strip.
Step 5
Connect controller to LED strip (as pictured below)
Step 6 — Power Option A
Using 12V DC adapter
Plug 12V DC adapter into cigarette lighter power source
Connect fused cable round plug to controller
Step 6 — Power Option B
Using fused cable
Connect fused cable round plug to controller
Ensure plastic battery protector has been removed from remote
Ensure LED strip(s) is properly connected to controller
Ensure chosen D/C adapter is properly connected to power source
If using multiple strips and one strip is not working, enrure non-working strip has not become
disconnected from pin connector