OLIMEX© 2015
STM32-P405 user's manual
1. Introduction to the chapter
Thank you for choosing this general-purpose development board designed and assembled by Olimex!
This document provides a user’s guide for the Olimex STM32-P405 board. As an overview, this chapter
gives the scope of this document and lists the board’s features. A comparison between boards similar to
STM32-P405 is presented. The document’s organization is then detailed.
The STM32-P405 development board enables code development of applications running on the
microcontroller STM32F405RG, manufactured by STMicroelectronics.
STM32-P405 board is a medium-sized development board with a small prototype area. Using STM32-
P405 you can explore the features of STM32F4 family on budged. The board has everything necessary
for a large number of different applications: USB port for communication and powering; separate power
jack for powering; reset and oscillator circuits; JTAG port for programming and debugging; serial driver
and DE9 connector; UEXT expansion connector; prototype area; programmable LED; programmable
button and much more.
There are plenty of GPIOs available at the GPIO area which can be used to connect your additional
1.1 Features
The board has the following list of features:
MCU: STM32F405RG ARM Cortex M4 in LQFP64 pacakge that operates up to 168 Mhz; with
1024KB flash memory; (192+4)kB SRAM; 2×USB; 2×CAN; 2 x I2C; 3×12-bit ADC×16
channels; 2×12-bit DAC; 2×UART; 3×SPI; 17 timers; with up to 51 GPIOs
Standard JTAG (SWD) connector with ARM 2×10 pin layout for programming/debugging with
USB type B connector
User and RESET buttons
User and power supply LEDs
CAN driver and connector
RS232 driver and connector
UEXT connector which allows easier hardware connection to different extension modules (like
MOD-IO2, MOD-MAG, etc.)
SD-MMC connector
On-board voltage regulator 3.3V with up to 800mA current
Single power supply: takes power from either the USB port or the power supply jack
8 Mhz crystal oscillator
32768 Hz crystal and RTC backup battery connector
Prototype area with 0.1" step for all uC ports
PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0.062"), red soldermask, white silkscreen component print
Dimensions: (100 × 90)mm ~ (3.9 × 3.5)"
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