OLIMEX© 2016
Upgrading ESP8266
We distribute affordable 220V<->5V adapters that fit the board's barrel jack. Search our web-shop for SY0605E and SY0605E-
You would need to power MOD-WIFI-ESP8266 or MOD-WIFI-ESP8266-DEV from a 3.3V source. They
don't have a voltage convertor – do not try to power these boards with 5V! Refer to the schematic of
each of the boards to find the location of the “3.3V” and “GND” pins.
2.1.3 USB<->serial cable
2.1.3 USB<->serial cable
The USB < - > serial cable establishes a physical connection between the board and a personal computer.
It is important that the cable has a built-in level shifter.
You might already have such a cable. In case you don't, you would need to get such an adapter cable due
to a couple of reasons:
the voltage levels of board's RXD and TXD are lower than the voltage levels of computer's TXD
and RXD (even if your computer has a native serial port). The adapter takes care of the level
most modern computers lack serial port.
The are two very important considerations to make, when selecting the cable that would work for you:
the cable needs to fit the UART pins of the boards;
the cable has the proper driver support for the operating system of your personal computer.
We distribute affordable USB to serial adapter cables with either female or male leads. Search our web-shop for USB-SERIAL-
CABLE-F (suitable for ESP8266-EVB, ESP8266-EVB-BAT, ESP8266-EVB-BAT-BOX) or USB-SERIAL-CABLE-M (suitable for MOD-
2.1.4 Personal computer
2.1.4 Personal computer
In order to install the “ESP FLASH DOWNLOAD TOOLS” you need a computer which is able to:
run Windows applications;
work properly with your serial cable;
access the Internet.
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