OLIMEX© 2015
AM3352-SOM user's manual
6.5 GPIO connectors
There are 3 GPIO connectors located on the bottom side of AM3352-SOM. They ease the access to
processors pins. These connectors (and connector AM_CON-LCD) also provide a way to mount the
board to a board of peripherals (like AM3352-SOM-EVB).
The only power line at the GPIO connectors that might be used as input is the one named '+5V'
available at the first pin of all four connector. The rest of the power signals are outputs and it would
be incorrect to try to power the board from there.
To keep the form factor as small as possible the GPIO and AM_CON-LCD connectors have 0.05''
IMPORTANT: the connectors are very fragile – if you attempt to disconnect the board by pulling
only one side out it might break! Furthermore – you might bend the board's pins! Use pliers or other
suitable object to disconnect the connectors carefully. OLIMEX sells additional and replacement
male and female 0.05'' (50 mil) step connectors.
Below you would find tables with the signal at each pin. To understand better what each processor
pin does it might be a good idea to refer to the datasheet of the AM3352 processor. The schematic
of the board of peripherals AM3352-SOM-EVB might also help you identify the main function of
the pins.
You can also find the pinout of the GPIO and LCD connectors in a stand-alone document at the
following link:
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