is small terminal board with USB link for PC, two buttons,
LCD 16x2 with backlight and ADuC7020 with the unique 1Msps ADCs/DACs
which are accessable on separate AEXT connector.
- ARM7TDMI Core, 16/32-bit RISC architecture, 5
Channels 12-bit, 1MSPS ADC, Differential and single-ended modes, 0 to
Vref Analog Input Range, 4 Outputs 12-bit Voltage Output DACs, On-Chip
20ppm/°C Voltage Reference, On-Chip Temperature Sensor (±3°C),
Uncommitted Voltage Comparator, JTAG Port, Clocking options: Trimmed
On-Chip Oscillator (± 2%), External Watch crystal, External clock source
45MHz PLL with Programmable Divider, 62k Bytes Flash/EE Memory, 8k
Bytes SRAM, In-Circuit Download, JTAG based Debug, Software triggered
in-circuit re-programmability, UART, dual I2C and SPI Serial I/O, 14-Pin
GPIO Port, 2 X General Purpose Timers, Wake-up and Watchdog Timers,
Power Supply Monitor, PLA – Programmable Logic (Array), Power
Specified for 3V operation, Active Mode: 6mW (@1MHz) 300mW
(@45MHz), Fully specified for –40°C to 85°C operation;
JTAG connector for in-circuit programming and debugging with ARM-
USB-RS232 convertor and interface to ADuC7020, can be used for serial
C connector
RESET supervisor IC and button
SERIAL DOWNLOAD (bootloader enable) button
Two buttons
LCD 16x2 display with BACKLIGHT
32 768 Hz oscillator crystal
Power supply filtering capacitor and ferite bead
Extension header for ADC and DAC ports
On-chip Bootloader, which can be accessed via USB using
ARMWSD.exe. When you open ARMWSD.exe, click button Start and after
that will be appeared message “Press Download and pulse Reset on
hardware” - press button SD on AduC-MT7020 and pulse Reset button –
this will give you access to Bootloader, where you can load your own
PCB: FR-4, 1.5 mm (0,062"), green soldermask, white silkscreen component
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