8. 0-10 Vdc Field Wiring
9. 4-20 mA Field Wiring
7. 0-10 Vdc & 4-20 mA Jumper Settings
Do not remove the Jumper shunt that connects 2-4.
6. Field Wiring
Use 18 to 24 gauge wires to make power source and
device connec�ons.
Each Analog Input Channel can be setup for 0-10 V (Default)
or 4-20 mA input. To switch modes, simply change the jumper
se�ngs (enclosure cover must first be removed by unscrewing
the 2 top screws).
JP1 = AIN1; JP2 = AIN2; JP3 = AIN3; JP4 = AIN4
- Always provide a good-quality DC power supply (regulated
or ba�ery) to the Wireless Digital I/O Module.
Properly fuse the source DC voltage with a fast blow
minimum 500 mA fuse.
- Do not daisy chain power lines with other devices.
- If the power supply is shared between high-current load
devices, such as solenoids and motors, and a Wireless
Digital I/O Module, wire the high-current load devices
directly to the power supply.
- Use twisted-pair wiring to reduce the noise for high-current
- Keep all power, I/O and antenna wires away from
high-current load lines.
- If the solenoid or relay device does not contain a built-in
protec�on diode, install one across the coil.
- Do not connect instrument ground (ba�ery nega�ve
terminal) to earth ground.
10. Power to Wireless Analog Input Module
©2018 OleumTech Corpora�on. All rights reserved. OleumTech and BreeZ are registered trademarks of OleumTech Corpora�on in the United States.
Specifica�ons, design, and product descrip�ons subject to change without no�ce. This device contains proprietary intellectual property protected by US Patent #6967589.
Quick Start Guide
Wireless Analog Input Module
Do not make any connec�ons while power is ON.
Prior to connec�on, ensure the power is OFF and
the area is known to be safe and non-hazardous.