Construction Manual
Page 9
vertical fin sheets. Lightly sand the seams to make sure they are
smooth and flat.
Remove any pins from the
framework, lightly sand and then
glue VFS1/2 on top of the vertical
framework, and one VFS3 on top
of the rudder framework.
When the glue has cured,
remove these assemblies and flip
them over and lightly sand the
framework to prep for the lower
Now glue the remaining VFS1/2 and VFS3 in place on the open
framework, making sure they're flat and properly aligned.
This completes assembly of the Fifty-One's tail surfaces.
Now it’s time to start construction of the fuselage.
You don't necessarily need to tape down the fuselage plan
to your board, but you will need to refer to it throughout the
fuselage build. However, cut off a fuselage length of waxed paper
and tape that down to your board to build the fuselage on.
Step 55 - Fuselage - FS1, FS2, FS3 & FS4
Locate both FS1s from BP5, both FS2s from BP4, and both FS3s
from BP7 and both FS4s from BP6. These are used to form the
fuselage sides.
Refer to the diagram on the fuselage plan sheet on how these
notch together.
You'll use the same techniques
that you used when edge
gluing sheeting together for
the wing and tail surfaces. The
only difference being that these
sheets are thicker 3/32"balsa
Start by gluing FS1 and FS2
together, making sure that the
joint is flat and flush along it's
entire length. Then glue FS3 and
FS4 together using the same
technique. Finally, glue both
of these sub-assemblies
together to form the
completed sheet.
Make 2 completed sheets,
lightly sanding both sides
to make sure they're smooth
and flat.
Step 56 - Fuselage - WH4
Locate four WH4s from LP4. These are
glued, one on top each other, to make
a very thick WH4. Make sure they are
perfectly aligned as the glue cures.
Step 57 - Fuselage - F2A, F2B
Locate F2A and F2B from LP2. These are
glued together as shown, making sure
that they are perfectly aligned.
Step 58 - Fuselage - FG
Locate both FGs from LP1. These are
glued together as shown, making sure
that they are perfectly aligned.
Step 59 - Fuselage - FE (electric power only)
If you're using an electric powerplant
for your Fifty-One, locate both FEs from
LP2. These are glued together as shown,
making sure that they are perfectly
Step 60 - Fuselage - FE (electric power only)
Also, if you're using electric
to power your Fifty-One,
take the time to workout
how your install your motor
to the FE firewall using it's
Note that there is an arrow
etched into FE, designating
the top and starboard side.
So make sure that any t-nuts
are installed from the other side, as shown here. Do this now
because it will be VERY difficult to do after FE is installed.
Step 61 - Fuselage - FSP, F2A/F2B & BB
Locate FSP from LP1. This is the
port side of the inner lite-ply
structure. Also locate and BB
from LP2.
Place FSP on your board so the
thin end (with the wing saddle
cutout) is on the left, and the
bigger end on the right.
Glue the F2A/F2B assembly in place as shown here, noting it's
orientation. Make sure it is 90° to FSP and it's tab is completely
inserted into FSP's pre-cut slot.
Now test BB fit it in position as shown, making sure you know
how all the tabs/slots fit together. Note that the tabs will extend
through FSP and slightly protrude from the other side of the sheet
- by design.
When satisfied on how this goes together, remove the piece, apply
glue and attach it to FSP and FS2A/B.
Step 62 - Fuselage - FSP
Now it's time to attach the
lite-ply structure to the port
side sheeting. Grab one of the
fuselage side sheets you made
earlier and place it so the tail is
on the left, nose is on the right.
Now carefully test fit the lite-ply
structure to the sheet as shown,
making sure you know how all the tabs/slots fit together. This is
where the extra long tabs on the lite-ply parts will aid in getting the
proper alignment to the sheeting.
When satisfied that you know how this goes together, remove the