This Manual
Reading the Manual
The manual you’re reading has been conceived to guide you step by step through all
’s functions,
from the most elementary to the most complicated without ever taking it for granted that you’re necessarily experts.
The chapters have been drawn up following a
logical progression
to facilitate first-time reading.
But the manual is above all structured for
“non linear” consultation
, i.e. being consulted through time or
when looking for specific topics.
In fact, you’ll be able to notice that the various chapters may contain short repetitions of concepts, images
and information covered in a lengthier way in other chapters. The aim is to give you all the most important information
on the various topics without compelling you to continually jump from one chapter to another.
Lastly, the black edging of the pages, differentiated by chapter, the numbering of the pages with the formula
“Chapter.Page” (e.g. 3.8) and the graphics are conceived to help you quickly reach the required topics, estimate the
amount of information available and remember the most important operational passages without necessarily having to
re-read the text every time.
Other documentation
Check the contents of the documentation supplied: it may contain “last-minute information” not included in
this manual.
Remember also that you can always check if there are updates, additions or other support material on the
support web site.