Stud Gun EP-12, EP-15
2 Safety information
2.1 Personnel responsible for safety
2.1.1 Operator
Operator is called any natural or legal person who is using the gun and/or on
behalf of whom the gun is used.
The operator and/or his safety officer must ensure,
observance of the relevant regulations, instructions and laws.
only qualified personnel is working with the gun.
personnel having the operating instructions available at any time.
to prohibit non-qualified personnel from working with the gun.
2.1.2 Qualified personnel
As qualified personnel are to be considered persons who were authorised by
the safety officer of the plant to perform the necessary activities and who are
able to recognise and avoid potential hazards because of their education, ex-
perience, instructions and their knowledge about corresponding standards and
rules for the prevention of accidents as well as operating conditions
(see IEC 364, definition for qualified personnel).
OKU Systems GmbH & Co. KG, 73650 Winterbach, Germany